Pastor Emeritus


Our Founding Pastor, Reverend Doctor Ronald C. Riddle chartered the South Omaha Church of God on September 26, 1965 and served as Senior Pastor for 27 years, retiring from the pastorate in 1992. At which time his son, the Reverend Ronald S Riddle assumed the pastorate for the next 26 years passing the Mantle onto his son, and our current Pastor, Reverend Brad C Riddle. This marks three generations of Riddle's filling this role since our inception. 

Omaha has been the home of the Riddle family since their arrival here in 1963 and South Omaha, specifically. Although the community around us has changed dramatically over the years the message going from Heritage church has not. Preaching a message of hope and healing through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ remains the cornerstone and bedrock of our faith.

Much lays in store for this church! It has a great future ahead of it, outlined by God's Word. We are excited to see where the Lord takes us!